Dr. Stéphanie Blanquet-Diot

Dr. Stéphanie Blanquet-Diot

Stéphanie Blanquet-Diot obtained an MSc degree in Nutrition and Food Science in 1999 and a PhD degree in Biotechnology, Nutrition and Health from Université d’Auvergne in 2002. She became associate professor at Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) in 2004 and currently is deputy Director of the UCA/INRAE 454 MEDIS (Microbiology, Digestive Environment and Health) research group. She is also scientific manager of the in vitro gut simulation platform DIGEST’iv that combines oral, gastric, intestinal and colonic models. She has strong expertise in digestive physiology, nutrition, microbiology and in vitro modelling of the human and monogastric animal digestive environment under physiological, and more recently diseased situations (e.g. obesity or inflammatory bowel syndrome). She is particularly interested in enteric pathogenic bacteria, pro/prebiotics and xenobiotic (including drug) interactions with physicochemical and microbial components of the human and animal gut. Her research activity has led to the production of a scientific output of 65 peer-reviewed international publications and the participation as invited speaker in several international conferences.

Selected publications:

  1. Roussel C, de Paepe K, Galia W, de Bodt J, Chalancon S, Denis S, Leriche L, Vandekerkove P, Ballet N, Blanquet-Diot S*, Van de Wiele T*. Multi-targeted properties of the probiotic Saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3856 against enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli coli (ETEC) H10407 pathogenesis across human gut models. *Co-senior authors. Gut microbes, 13(1):1953246, 2021.
  2. Gresse R, Chaucheyras-Durand F, Garrido JJ, Denis S, Jimenez-Marin A, Beaumont M, Van de Wiele T, Forano E, Blanquet-Diot S. Pathogen exposure and dietary stress at weaning alter microbiota composition and functionality and host inflammatory responses in a mucin-associated in vitro model of the piglet colon coupled with porcine intestinal cells. Frontiers in Microbiology, 12:703421, 2021.
  3. Verdier C, Denis S, Gasc C, Boucinha L, Uriot O, Delmas D, Dore J, Le Camus C, Schwintner C, Blanquet-Diot S. An oral FMT capsule as efficient as an enema for microbiota reconstruction following disruption by antibiotics, as assessed in an in vitro human gut model. Microorganisms, 9(2):358, 2021.
  4. Sauvaitre T, Etienne-Mesmin L, Sivignon A, Mosoni P, Courtin C, Van de Wiele T, Blanquet-Diot S. Tripartite relationship between gut microbiota, intestinal mucus and dietary fibers: towards preventive strategies against enteric infections. FEMS Microbiol Rev, doi: 10.1093/femsre/fuaa052, 2021.
  5. Fournier E, Dominicis A, Roussel C, Ley D, Peyron MA, Collado V, Mercier-Bonin M, Lacroix C, Alric M, Van de Wiele T, Chassard C, Etienne-Mesmin L, Blanquet-Diot S. In vitro models of gut digestion across childhood: current developments, challenges and future trends. Biotechnol Advances. Jul 9:107796, 2021.