ESR 1 Audrey Peters

Audrey Peters

Previous training and experience

During my training as an agricultural engineer, I developed a great interest in microbiology and infectious diseases. Therefore, I did my Master 2 internship in the laboratory of Prof. Roland Brosch at the Institut Pasteur in Paris on the virulence and persistence of mycobacteria. I obtained a double Master’s degree in molecular and cell biology at the University of Rennes 1 (France) and agricultural engineering at Agrocampus Ouest (Rennes, France) in 2021.

Why you wanted to join the project

During my studies, I also discovered various very interesting research topics such as the role of microbiota in human and animal health. Therefore, this project immediately caught my attention as it combined two of my main research interests: microbiota and infectious diseases.

About your research project

In Prof. Gad Frankel’s laboratory at Imperial College London, my aim is to investigate how the gut microbiome offers protection against Citrobacter rodentium infections. C. rodentium is a mouse restricted pathogen that provides a physiological model to study pathogenesis and the role of microbiome during infection and recovery.

Other interests

Outside the laboratory, I enjoy spending time outside, doing manual activities or any kind of sports like fencing or horse riding.